For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. Romans 8:14
I graduated from RHEMA Bible Training Center in May of 1987. My Dad and Mother came to Broken Arrow, Oklahoma to help my wife and I move back to Columbus, Georgia. We moved into one of the oldest houses in the area because we didn’t have much money and the rent wasn’t very much. We attended my daddy-in-law’s church, who was still a pastor at seventy five years old.
I started a home repair business to provide for us and to put me in position to be able to go preach if I received an invitation. Working for myself gave me a more flexible schedule. I got some jobs in Atlanta, Georgia and begin to drive back and forth there daily. It was over a hundred miles one way.
I would drive along and worship the Lord and pray. I kept sensing that the Lord wanted me to do something for Him but I didn’t know what. I would get so burdened about this while driving along that I would begin to weep and cry. Sometimes, the tears would be flowing to the point that I could not see how to drive! I would pull over on the side of the road and set there and weep until I could gain my composure enough to drive on. I wanted to do the will of God but I did not know what it was. This went on for about six months before I finally decided to find out what the Lord wanted me to do.
One day it started to rain and the work I had to do was outside. I decided that I would stay home that day and pray until I heard from heaven about what I was suppose to do or die one. I had to have some relief!
My wife was gone to work, so I went into our bedroom and knelt on the floor and put my face between my knees. I began to pray and ask the Lord what He wanted me to do. I prayed all I knew how to pray in English and then began to pray in the Spirit. I was praying and earnestly seeking the Lord. I began to weep and cry as I prayed. I prayed this way for about two hours. Suddenly, the Lord spoke to me and said that He wanted me to leave my business.
Jesus told me to travel and tell everyone what He had done for me in my life. He told me to tell everyone how He had mercy and compassion on me so they would have faith to believe Him for the same thing.
I really began to weep and cry then! I was so humbled that the Lord would take time to talk with me. I asked the Lord, how am I going to do this? Who will want me to come and speak at their church or meeting? I told the Lord I didn’t know how to do what He asked and I needed someone to help me.
He said, “Brother Hagin is going to help you fulfill my call on your life.” I said, “Lord how can all this be and how will it all work out?” The Lord said, “I will work it all out. You just stay in faith and be faithful to do what I tell you.”
Then, the Lord told me to do something that would set His will in motion for me. I obeyed and the Lord began to work in my behalf. My wife, came home from work and I told her what the Lord said to me. She to, was amazed and shocked about how all this would happen.
The Lord’s plan started working. About a month after this prayer experience Dad Hagin and Pastor Hagin wrote me a letter and sent me a recommendation letter to send out. The letter stated that I would be a blessing to any group I addressed. They also sent me a tape from where I spoke at Campmeeting 1987 and told me to send it out with a letter letting ministers know I was available. I have spoken at many of Dad Hagin’s meetings over the years and at RHEMA events.
Dr. Kenneth E. Hagin (Dad Hagin) invited me to speak at his campmeeting. When the service was over, he invited me to a special time of fellowship with him and other campmeeting speakers. I arrived at the meeting room and went in. I was awe struck as I walked into the room and saw ministers that I highly respected there. Many of them had international ministries. My first thought was, “What am I doing here?” I thought that I didn’t deserve to be in the presence of these men and women of God.
No one knew that I had been dealing with a sense of insecurity and inferiority since I was a little boy. When people saw me speak at the campmeetings they didn’t realize what was going on inside of my mind. The audience would laugh, cry and shout at the wonderful stories I would tell about how Jesus Christ set me free from prison in 1984 (See my book “Escape From Hell” for the complete story).
I was living a tormented life behind the anointing that was on my life. I constantly had thoughts that I was inferior to everyone else and I had nothing to contribute to anyone’s success. That fear had driven me down a road of alcoholism, drug addiction and into prison.
When I entered the room, I was invited to go to a refreshment table that was set up in the room and get something to eat and drink. I spoke to people as I moved along and quickly found a chair in a secluded area of the room to sit in. Others came in and the room filled with people. I was sitting beside a couple of ministers and we talked some. They didn’t stay long and got up and left. I was left sitting alone in that area of the room. About ten feet in front of me there was a large conference table with approximately twenty international ministers sitting around it.
Dr. Hagin was sitting facing me at the head of the conference table. Every now and then he and I would make eye contact and he would smile. I smiled back but would quickly look away. They were all taking with one another. I was sitting by myself across the room. To keep myself occupied I played with a potato chip and a little chip dip I had on my plate. It was the last chip I had so I dare not eat it because I wouldn’t have anything to look occupied with. I would stir the dip with the potato chip as I listened to them talk and stared at my plate. I felt uncomfortable sitting by myself but felt unqualified to interact with those sitting at the conference table. I was trying to figure out a way to get out of the room without bringing attention to myself. I couldn’t think of a way so I sat there staring at my plate.
All of a sudden, someone sat down on my left in the empty chair and put their right arm around me. Startled, I turned to see who it was and it was Dad Hagin.
I was shocked and amazed! I thought I had done something wrong. In my spirit, I started asking God to forgive me of all my sins in the name of Jesus! I had heard Dad Hagin say that if he touched someone when he was is the Spirit he would know everything about them.
Dad Hagin began to talk to me. He said, “Brother Randy, you need to learn to yield to the Spirit of God that is on your life. The more you learn to yield to the Holy Ghost, the greater the anointing will be and you will have more results in your ministry.” He showed me that the Lord was endeavoring to move me into a different ministry office than what I had been in.
The Power of God was so strong that I nearly fell out of my chair as I sat there with him. Finally, I relaxed some and I began to ask him questions about some spiritual experiences I had that I did not understand. He would respond to my question by telling me a story about a similar experience he had.
Everyone that was still in the room came and stood or sat around us and listened to the conversation. The wisdom of God was flowing from Dad Hagin like water running out of a faucet. He talked with me for about an hour before he left. I received a supernatural impartation that night. The plan of God was working just like He told me it would in prayer.
If you want to know the will of God you must spend much time in prayer. Prayer is communication with the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord lives in the realm of the Spirit. You must take time to get into the Spirit yourself if you are going to hear His voice. Stop what you are doing and make the decision to hear from the Lord for yourself. Great blessings and prosperity come from knowing His plan for your life!