I just ended an eighteen (18) day meeting in North Carolina that was a great success! Most nights the auditorium was filled with people that were hungry for the Word of God and for the move of the Holy Spirit. During the second week we began to have notable miracles take place that further enhanced the expectation of the people. The first was a lady who had been totally deaf in her left ear for four years. Her ear popped opened instantly when hands were laid upon her. This created quite a stir among people she knew in the community, and they began to come to the meeting also. I will tell about other supernatural things later in another letter.
The gifts of the Spirit were in constant manifestation after a few days into the meeting. It seemed to take a while for us to get into the flow of what the Lord wanted to do, and for the people to get stirred in their faith to expect these gifts. Many were ministered to along these lines and pastors and ministers, who didn’t believe quite like we did, came to check out what was going on. These ministers kept returning and received spiritual impartations from the Holy Spirit that got them excited about the Word of God, and believing God for miracles in their ministry.
In today’s world, many Christians and preachers are too busy to seek God, in prayer, or spend time meditating on the Word of God, which builds and strengthens faith. Extended meetings bring people into wanting to seek God after a few services. Miracles begin to happen because they put the world and their problems behind them, and the Bible and Jesus in front of them. I will speak more about this later. The meeting was a great success, and I appreciate Pastors Larry and Mari Westforth along with Jubilee Word of Faith Church for hosting and sponsoring this meeting so that many could be ministered to!