May 11, 2019
Family Church Corry
Pastor Jeff Mitchener
13088 Rt 6
Corry, PA 16407
Saturday Night: 6:00pm
Event Date
May 11, 2019
Service Times
Saturday Night: 6:00pm
Bringing HOPE to the hopeless, FAITH to the faithless, and FREEDOM to those who are bound by Satan!
May 11, 2019
Family Church Corry
Pastor Jeff Mitchener
13088 Rt 6
Corry, PA 16407
Saturday Night: 6:00pm
Event Date
May 11, 2019
Service Times
Saturday Night: 6:00pm
Rev. Randall Grier answered the call of the Lord Jesus to preach the Gospel while on his third escape from prison in May of 1982. Rev. Grier surrendered to the call of God and turned himself in to the authorities. While praying out behind the prison on April 5, 1984, he had a supernatural experience with Jesus. Jesus said, “I am anointing you today to begin to enter into the ministry I have called you to and nations and countries will be changed through this anointing.” That very day Rev. Grier entered into a powerful anointing to set the captive free. He was released from prison on August 27, 1984 after being told he would be released in the month of 'none' - all by a miracle of God! Read more on the 'About' page at
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