And he cometh unto the disciples, and findeth them asleep, and saith unto Peter, What, could ye not watch with me one hour? (Matt. 26:40)
Jesus Christ came to the disciples and found them asleep. They represent eighty to ninety percent of the church today. I have said for years now, “Find out which way that eighty percent of the church is going, and go the opposite way. By default, you will be headed in the right direction.”
Christians, in the United States, are programmed for carnal activity. The church model today is to have as many groups and activities as possible. This is usually to form associations or relationships dedicated to a particular interest or activity that has nothing to do with the Lord or His work. These usually revolve around hobbies or other natural things, not the spiritual things of God. That is church growth 101 in the modern church. The church is to prepare saints for the work of the ministry.
Matthew 26:36-46, gives the account of Jesus Christ and the disciples in the Garden of Gethsemane right before He was arrested. He led the disciples there to pray, not to sleep or play games. Excuse me. Jesus gave specific directions about what He expected them to do.
First, He asked the disciples to watch with Him because He was sorrowful even unto death. He wanted them to help Him pray about what He was going through. They went to sleep while Jesus sought God earnestly.
Jesus was trying to get His local church to help Him pray and they went to sleep. Jesus Christ has been beseeching the church, today, to pray for years now. Most of the church is asleep now just like the disciples in the garden. It’s clear what Jesus wanted the disciples to pray about.
Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. (Matthew 26:41)
He had not been able to get them to help Him pray about the test He was facing. Yes, God manifested in the flesh could not influence them to pray with Him!
I know you want to know why they would not pray. The answer is the oppression of Satan was so overwhelming that it made them physically tired. They were worn out just by being there in that satanic, spiritual atmosphere. They were not ready for such opposition from the devil because they had not spent quality time praying before that event. Many Christians think that they will be able to pray and overcome, in the dark hour of satanic attack, but if they are not ready they will not overcome.
This is not a game we are in, this is real spiritual life. Most are unprepared for trials that may come their way. As long as they are not tested they do fine, but the moment they are, their weakness is exposed. Build up yourself daily in the Holy Ghost.
You know from reading about this that the disciples did not pray. They went to sleep again! They were facing the greatest test of their Christian faith. When they were tested, everyone of them backslid and denied the Lord Jesus Christ. So you think you are more skilled than they were? They lived with the Son of God everyday and knew who Jesus was. It did not do them any good, when the devil came their way.
It won’t do you any good to know who Jesus is when the devil comes your way either. You’re no match for demonic forces in your own strength. You must be being continually filled with the Holy Ghost to overcome. If you don’t believe that, ask the disciples who lived with Him daily.
I know, I know, you believe Jesus has done it all for you and now you don’t have to do anything. You are deceived if you believe that! That is a bunch of bunk, junk and hogwash! That is a doctrine of the devil!
Our hour is upon us in the Church. Could you not watch with Him one hour!? Awake to the seriousness of this day that we live in. Just because things look good in the natural, that doesn’t mean there aren’t spiritual forces fighting that you don’t see. Quit playing games and pray!! If you don’t pray you will regret it. Neglect always brings regret.