The Lord Jesus Christ does not want His people ignorant of spiritual things. When we look around the world, especially in our nation, many of us want to know what is going on. The things happening in our nation are not new. In fact, they have been going on for many, many years. It just seems that they are on the increase and getting more attention.
Jesus Christ appeared to Kenneth E. Hagin on July 16, 1987, for two hours and fifty-three minutes. Jesus said to him, “Christians have brought the brass of the world into the temple of the Lord as a substitute for pure gold. What they have is a mixture; it’s not pure. Therefore, I can only bless people so far, because they’ve substituted brass for gold.” Dad Hagin said, “I am speaking by the Spirit of God when I say that bringing brass into the temple grieves Him.” Get the book Plans, Purposes and Pursuits by Kenneth Hagin.
Yes, many churches have become like night clubs, speak easy clubs, or social clubs. Lights flash, the smoke boils to the rafters and you are launched into the soulical mood realm. It is determined that looks, decor and the beat of the music, godly or not, has become king. The flesh thrives in this environment and loosey-goosey here we come. Whatever feels good do it and let it all hang out. I mean everything.
The Spirit of God is grieved with all this flesh junk and brass in the church. He has left many church services. Many ministers try to get through as fast as they can because they don’t want to be there either (I don’t blame them). The people tolerate the service as long as they can beat everyone else to their favorite eating place. You keep them too long and they won’t come back because they don’t really want to be there anyways. They come long enough to meet their friends and text message to others, while the preacher struggles to keep their attention. Some watch movies or read books because they are trying to endure unto the end. High tech equipment makes this possible. This all occurs because the Spirit of God has been set aside for the ideas of man. Preaching without anointing is dry, dead and useless, and does not change or help anyone. The people might as well be sitting in a barn listening to a donkey bray. It takes praying to be anointed, which we do not have time to do. Many other things are much more important because, you know, we have to live in this world and leave a legacy behind. Jesus Christ stands at the door and knocks and says if anyone will open the door He will come in.
Because of all of this, the church has become weak spiritually. They have no power to make themselves to do what the Bible says, and yet they think they have the power to enforce the devil to do it. It’s not going to happen.
Are Spiritual Associations Important?
Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners. Awake to righteousness, and sin not; for some have not the knowledge of God: I speak this to your shame. (1Corinthians 15:33-34)
What we associate with determines what we will be like. If you lay down and roll around in a mud hole you will get muddy. If you jump into a pool of water, you will get wet because water is wet. If you hang around unspiritual people you will be unspiritual. If you hang around sinners, you will sin. If you hang around the world, you will be worldly. Some Christians don’t know they are worldly because everyone they hang around with is the same way. They are blinded to spiritual truths they should know because of their associations.
Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty. (2 Corinthians 6:17-18)
Two very important statements for me in these verses are “come out” and “I will receive you.” I must do the coming out part before the Lord Jesus does the receiving part. If I like this present world, I wouldn’t be comfortable in that Heavenly City anyway and Jesus Christ knows that.
I have been going through the coming out part, I don’t know about you. Crucifying the flesh and denying my fleshly desires have been before me, but the Holy Ghost has already given me the victory and I will walk in His perfect will. My spirit is willing, but the way I gain victory over the flesh is by spending time in prayer. Thank God He always causes me to triumph in Christ Jesus!
It is time to make the choice to not allow anything to cause you to compromise the Word of God. Don’t hang around just because you have a position, prestige or friends. Don’t follow those who lead you away from the foundations that were taught us by the Bible and our spiritual fathers and mothers in the faith. Today is the day of salvation, not tomorrow.