For you see this meeting has brought you stepping up to a higher level, stepping up to a different place. I want to say, by the Holy Ghost, phase – another phase of your spiritual walk. Yes, you have heard that talk in times of old. Its time for another phase and there will be different phases of ministry that certain ones would step into. But it’s time now for this new phase, new move of My Spirit that has been prophesied of long ago.
It has been declared in My Word, and yes it is so. Even the Prophet Joel and Apostle Peter said My Spirit will be poured out upon all flesh. My Glory shall be poured out upon all people. So know from this day, from this night, you have stepped into a new phase of ministry, you have stepped into a new phase of your Christian walk, you stepped up to a higher level.
Oh, Oh, now in this, in this phase, there’s greater requirements here than there was down there. When you step up there is more responsibility. So I expect you now to take more responsibility for My things, the things of God, and seeking My face and protecting My Word, and protecting My Doctrines. So as you step up into this phase and move of My Spirit know this, says the Lord, greater responsibility comes (tongues came forth). If you will be faithful in this phase, the next phase will come quicker. In fact, it will seem like to you that it will come too soon, but this is not the only phase.
I see into the Spirit, even now, looking into the horizon of time and I see three phases of the Spirit of God. Three levels of the outpouring (tongues came forth). The Prophet said it was up to my ankles, then it was up to my knees, then it was up to my waist and then it was over my head. That is the way that you will see this move. The phases will come, and because you have been faithful you will be able to move into each phase more of My Glory. If I poured all of My Glory out at once you couldn’t stand it.
Even some here among us tonight have been there and said, turn it down a little bit I can’t stand it anymore, the fire is too great, though we love it, even though we want it, but we said Lord turn it down. The reason for the different phases is to acclimate you to each phase so you can stand more of My Glory and more of My Power so you can walk out into this world in this hour. Many will see and say there is something different about that man, something different about that woman. It will seem as if you are turned into a different man, it will seem you are turned into a different woman.
You will walk in the ways of My Spirit that you never have before. Even as I heard the voice of the prophet before he stepped through that heavenly door. He said, “God has led you in the smaller things, now He is going to lead you into the larger things of My Spirit, then into a place that you have never been before, and when you arrive there you will say, my, my, my I didn’t even know that this world existed. Know this says the Lord, “This is that day, this is that time so enter in to My Presence divine.”