“The only secret of success I know is walking in line with the Word of God and praying and listening to the Holy Spirit. I simply listen to what the Spirit of God says to do and then do it.” – Kenneth E Hagin
If you want success in your life – in your family, your ministry, your finances, any area of your life – there are three ingredients you need. The first ingredient to being successful – in any area – is walking in line with the Word of God. That doesn’t mean you can’t get good counsel from people, because you can. You have to know what God’s Word says. We need to have a steady diet of reading and meditating on God’s Word, and then praying – praying is seeking God, and then listening to the Holy Spirit. That’s number one. Walk in line with the Word of God, read, study, meditate on the Word of God.
Then number two, spend time praying. Spend time seeking God. At the same time as you’re praying and meditating. Then number three, listen to what the Holy Spirit is endeavoring to get across to your spirit. Dad Hagin said that those 3 things are the only secret of success that he knew of. So if he had success, and we know that he did, then we can have success by following the same things that he followed because it’s scriptural.
We need to find out God’s plans.
Walk in line with God’s Word. We need to spend time praying. And we need to listen and do what the Holy Spirit is leading us to do.
If anyone will spend time seeking God and waiting on Him, you will find that you’ll become sensitive to the Holy Spirit. You will know what God wants to do in your life. You will know exactly what God wants to do. He doesn’t want you to struggle and work with no lasting fruit to show for it. But if you’re not that well acquainted with the Holy Spirit, so that you can know what He’s doing and wants you to do, then you’re going to be left out. You’ll only have a measure of success. God said he can only bless man’s plans so far. If you want God’s full blessing, you need to get God’s plans. So follow the Word of God, spend time in praying, and get God’s specific plan for your life and you’re going to be a success.