There’s a pressing need today for the Church to recognize and engage in the spiritual battles that surround us. The church has been too busy playing and getting lazy and it shows. We have to get back to using our authority instead of acting like God is going to take care of everything. He has given us the authority to do so and if we don’t do it, it won’t get done. Look around and all the troubles in our nation and our churches. Christians need to take a stand in the Spirit and use their authority to turn this thing around.
(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. – 2 Corinthians 10:4-5
We must move past human wisdom and how man would do things and address the spiritual roots of the problems we’re facing today. That spiritual problem is the devil (John 10:10). The call has gone out for the Church to understand and act on these spiritual truths, ensuring that we are not giving the enemy a foothold through our ignorance or neglect.
The Spirit of God emphasized to me recently that the issues we face cannot be resolved by human wisdom alone. Human efforts fall short when dealing with spiritual matters. Spiritual problems must have a spiritual answer. The conflicts and chaos we see around us are deeply rooted in spiritual battles, not just physical or political strife. Understanding this is crucial for the Church to effectively engage and overcome the problems we face today. Victory isn’t found at the voting booth necessarily (though it is important to vote). Victory is found in the throne room of God. It is found in using our authority in the name of Jesus!
Many within the Church are unaware that we are even in a spiritual battle. This lack of understanding has opened doors for the enemy to infiltrate both the Church and the nation. The Bible warns that “my people perish for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6).” This ignorance has serious consequences, leaving many Christians weak and bowing under the pressures of the enemy and culture. That is not the only thing that has opened the door though. Christians neglecting to use their authority has done it as well.
The modern progressive church has allowed the world to influence it, rather than allowing the church to influence the world. It has become a hub for information, not revelation. It has become a place where you find the flesh, not the Spirit. While these things may draw a crowd, people leave like they came and nothing is done to deal with the root of the problems they face.
The Church must step up and step out into it’s spiritual authority. We’ve dropped the ball by not fully understanding, teaching, and acting on our spiritual authority. This gap has allowed the enemy to gain ground. We must get back to using our authority over the enemy.
Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. – Luke 10:19
Personal accountability is crucial. When God correct us, it’s vital to agree and make necessary changes. Don’t argue with the Lord. Simply humble yourself, make the changes necessary, and go on to where He has you to be. This is not about condemnation, but about growth and alignment with God’s will. Recognizing and correcting our mistakes puts us in a position where God can use us and where we can be effective against the enemy.
The Church is in a pivotal moment where recognizing and engaging in spiritual warfare is not optional, but essential. We must move beyond the natural and embrace the spiritual realities that influence our world. By doing so, we can reclaim our nation and see God’s plan come to pass on the earth. Reflect on what God has revealed to you, and commit to taking action. Use your authority. Pray for the church and the nation. God is with us!