In the past, the old-time Pentecostal believers, though not ardent scripture theologians, were fervently dedicated and consecrated to God. Their commitment paved the way for the miraculous, healing revivals, and charismatic renewals. These movements were characterized by a deep spiritual fervor that was fueled by a strong sense of dedication.
“For Moses had said, Consecrate yourselves today to the Lord, even every man upon his son, and upon his brother; that he may bestow upon you a blessing this day.” – Exodus 32:29
Today, this is not the case in many churches. The lack of dedication and consecration in the church is evident by what we see going on across our nation. This lack of consecration and dedication is a significant reason for the lack of manifestation of God’s power in the church. It’s also a reason why the nation is in the condition it is in. Not every church or believer is lacking in this area. However, a large portion of the church world is.
Dad Hagin used to preach about how consecration, dedication, and commitment were vital to see a move of God in the church. Unfortunately, approximately 80 percent of the church world is unaware of this. Today there is a spiritual malaise where many believers are living in sin or are backslidden.
Because of this lack of consecration and dedication to God, we see believers devoting themselves to other things. And that means they can’t experience those things that are a benefit of being dedicated to God. Dedication and consecration need to be actively preached in churches and practiced in our lives to see God’s full blessing operate in our lives and see the plan of God come to pass in the earth.
Dad Hagin was praying one day, talking to the Lord, and said how it seemed that the signs, miracles, and wonders weren’t in manifestation as much as they used to be. The Lord responded and told him it was because of His people’s lack of consecration and dedication. The two are tied directly to each other. It goes beyond mere faith, confession, and prayer. The manifested presence of God, the gifts of the Spirit in operation come, in part, because believers are fully dedicated to God.
Hebrews 12:1 tells us to “lay aside every weight.” We have a responsibility to remove the obstacles that hinder God from moving. It’s not all up to God. This verse does not imply that Jesus will do this for us. We have to do it. We must make the conscious decision to dedicate and consecrate ourselves to God.
Consecration and dedication must be preached. In must be lives out. This can’t be overstated. This was central to the spiritual vitality of the old-timers in the faith, and it remains crucial today. To see a revival of God’s power in our churches, we must return to preaching and practicing dedication and consecration. We must lay aside every weight that holds us back so that we can experience the fullness of God’s power in our lives. God is with us!