Abram passed through the land to the place of Shechem, as far as the terebinth (Oak-Hebrew ‘Elon’) tree of Moreh. And the Canaanites were then in the land. Then the Lord appeared to Abram and said, “To your descendants I will give this land.” And there he built an altar to the Lord, who had appeared to him. (Genesis. 12:6-7)
In Genesis chapter twelve, the Lord spoke to Abram and gave him specific instructions about leaving the place he lived. Abram obeyed the Lord God and God met with him at a placed called Elon Moreh. Today, the Lord wants to meet with you and me. We should all desire our own spiritual Elon Moreh. The only true peace, fulfillment or joy you will ever know is from meeting with the Lord Jesus Christ and obeying His will.
Listen To Your Spirit
Abram was just as human as you or me and I am. Yes, he could have thought of many other things to do besides pack up and go where God showed him to go. The Lord was looking for someone to obey Him when he spoke to Abram. The Lord may have spoken to others that did not obey before He spoke to Abram. The Lord was looking for someone to establish His covenant within the earth.
Today the Lord is looking for someone that will obey what He tells them to do. Sadly, some Christians and ministers are too busy today to take time to listen to the Lord and do what He says and it grieves the Lord. Listen to your conscience, which is the voice of your human spirit, and you will be led to seek the Lord Jesus.
Dr. Kenneth E. Hagin was called by the Lord to leave what he was familiar with and travel. He left his family for eight to nine weeks at a time to obey the Lord. I believe that is why the Lord appeared to him as many times as He did. Dad Hagin was willing to pay the price to do what the Lord told him to. We must choose to obey the Lord Jesus Christ and we can through the help of the Holy Ghost and His ability in us.
Be Determined
Abram was determined to get to where the Lord wanted him to go. This determination kept him guiding his family across the hills and plains, day by day. He patiently endured and eventually reached Elon Moreh.
While I was in prison as a born again, spirit-filled Christian, I kept sensing in my spirit that I would find great victory and success if I would take time to fast and pray. I finally decided to obey that unction and started my spiritual journey. I prayed many days for six to eight hours. I rarely felt like praying and much of the time I didn’t feel a thing. On April 5, 1984, after several weeks of praying, I hit a gully washer, spiritually speaking! I was overwhelmed by the Glory and Anointing of the Lord. The Lord visited me there in that prison. He showed me my future and spiritual promised land that He had for me. It was a glorious experience!
I can promise you that you will have a personal Elon Moreh if you will be determined to press through to God in prayer. Studies show that most Christians pray less than thirty minutes a day. Studies also show that anyone who has ever had a great anointing and a wonderful encounter with the Lord Jesus spent time in prayer and in meditation of the Bible.
What Is Important
The Bible tells us to love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. Abram did not let anything in the world stop him from Elon Moreh. There are many things that call for our attention in the world today. The flesh is attracted to the glitter and glamor of the world and it desires that more than the Lord. Our minds also fall easily into the entertain-the-brain trap. You can get mentally addicted to TV, movies, sports and other visual and mental attractions and it seems you have to have your daily fix, like a drug addict. You become mentally depleted, and your life energy is used up, and you have nothing left for spiritual development through prayer and Bible study. We can never reach our spiritual Elon Moreh if other things become more important than God. If you haven’t been seeking the Lord, the flesh will holler at first but press on in and blessings will abound!
The Right Place
It is very important to be in the right place to have a meeting with the Lord. Abram had to be at Elon Moreh like Moses had to be on Mount Sinai to meet with God. The Lord has assigned each of us a place to be and we must be there to receive the blessings of God.
I have received many blessings and revelations from the Lord over the years but they were all a result of me being in the place the Lord told me to be. Your blessing and revelation will be where the Lord tells you to be. If the Lord places you into a church, don’t look for an excuse to leave. Your spiritual growth and maturity will be there and nowhere else. If the Lord places you with an organization that is where your blessings will be found.
Our society is filled with an “I’ll Try It” attitude and that attitude is ready to quit, give up or accept defeat the moment things don’t go the way they want or the going gets tough. The Bible says that Jesus set His face like flint to go to Jerusalem. The only thing that was there for Jesus was death on the cross. He never had the “I’ll Try It” attitude. He had an attitude that said ‘I am going to stay with it no matter how hard it gets.’ The Bible says that our Heavenly Father highly exalted Him and gave Him a name above all names! We must stay the course that the Lord has for us and His Glory will come upon us.
Your Eloh Moreh
No man that warreth entangles himself with the affairs of this life that; that he may please him who has chosen him to be a solider. (2 Timothy 2:4)
I have made up my mind and my spirit that I will not let other things come between me and the Lord. I know His plan will come to pass in my life. It is very important to be in the right place to have a meeting with the Lord. Abram had to be at Elon Moreh like Moses had to be on Mount Sinai to meet with God. The Lord has assigned each of us a place to be and we must be there to receive the blessings of God.
I have received many blessings and revelations from the Lord over the years, but they were all a result of me being in the place the Lord told me to be. Your blessing and revelation will be where the Lord tells you to be. I know you will hear and obey.