We can have the power of God come to our aid in any circumstance and in any situation in our lives. Jesus came into contact with a man who was demon-possessed in Mark 5, and when the power of God touched this man, those demons fled. Once this man was delivered, he went out with a message. The first thing that’s going to happen to you when you get Jesus into your life is that you’ve got a message. You go out and tell somebody else what the Lord has done in your life.
Jesus set this man free, who was living in a graveyard. You go back and read it. This man, though, was supernaturally empowered by a devil to break the chains that the people were trying to bind him with. But one day Jesus got off the boat, and this man ran to Jesus for help. He might not have known what he was doing, but he came to Jesus.
That’s a reoccurring theme in the Bible, and we’re going to see that here. The power of God was present, but people had to do something about it to connect to that power. That’s what this man, who was demon-possessed, did. That’s what Mark 5:6 says: “When he saw Jesus from afar, he ran and worshiped Him.” This man ran to Jesus. He didn’t wait for Jesus to come to him. He ran to him and connected to the power of God.
Go down a little further in Mark 5, and you will find the story of Jairus. Jairus’ daughter was at home on her death bed. Jesus didn’t go and seek out Jairus. No, Jairus went and tracked down Jesus and came to Him in faith. Now Jesus did come to Jairus’ house, but that was after Jairus came to him. Jairus was the one who initiated the healing. It wasn’t Jesus. The power was present, but Jairus connected to it with his faith.
In the midst of Jairus coming to Jesus, there’s another story you know. It’s the one about the woman with the issue of blood. This woman suffered for 12 years with this infirmity, but she didn’t sit there and wait for Jesus to come to her. No! She came to Jesus. She pushed through the crowds that she wasn’t even supposed to be in, according to the Law of Moses. And when she came to Him in faith and touched His garment, the power of God went out of Jesus and into her, and she was miraculously healed. Again, it was the woman, not Jesus, who initiated the healing.
In all three of these situations, it was the person, not Jesus, that initiated the healing. They were the ones that came to Jesus. If you look at the story of Jairus, you’ll see that Jesus had to get rid of the doubt and unbelief for the healing to happen. Yes, Jairus came to Jesus in faith, but in the midst of this act of faith, things were still happening. The situation still looked hopeless.
In fact, people from Jairus’ house came and told him that his daughter was dead. They told him to stop bothering Jesus, but Jesus cut that doubt off as soon as it came. “As soon as Jesus heard the word that was spoken, he saith unto the ruler of the synagogue, Be not afraid, only believe (Mark 5:35).” Fear will always come against what the Word of God says. Don’t allow fear to steal your miracle. Only believe. When Jesus got to Jairus’ house, there were crowds of people wailing, mourning, and making a big fuss. You have to understand that these were most likely not family members. These were not concerned community members. At that time, it was common practice for there to be professional mourners. Just like we pay people to do all sorts of things for us, back then they would pay people to mourn for their loved ones who were sick and dying. These were the people that Jesus got out of the room.
And when he was come in, he saith unto them, Why make ye this ado, and weep? the damsel is not dead, but sleepeth. And they laughed him to scorn. But when he had put them all out, he taketh the father and the mother of the damsel, and them that were with him, and entereth in where the damsel was lying. – Mark 5:39-40
Jesus got rid of all the doubt and unbelief so a miracle could happen. Throughout the Bible, you will see that Jesus, time after time, got rid of doubt and unbelief before He healed. If you want the power of God to work in your life, you have to get doubt and unbelief out of your life. Get in faith and receive.
If you need a miracle, you need to come to Jesus in faith. You can’t wait for Him to come to you. He’s already come and done something about your situation. It’s up to you now to come to Him. Get rid of any doubt that may be hindering you; only believe. Don’t let circumstances or other people change what you believe. You stand firm, connect to the power of God, and see what God will do for you.